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Alternative Ag Investors

Passive Income From Farmland Ownership

You’ve been working hard and looking down the road towards the day you get to stop working.  You’ve been socking away money so you can retire in comfort, do some traveling, play more golf and spend time with the grandkids.

You’ve got a savings account, a separate retirement account comprised of mutual funds (an IRA, SEP or 401(k) if you’re in the U.S.) and maybe a stock portfolio.  You’ve been listening to the “experts” and you have a selection of investments that are financially “diversified,” meaning you also have some money in bonds and made sure that your stocks and mutual funds are spread out across multiple sectors of the economy.

And if you’re typical, you’ve also seen your savings stagnate because of lackluster interest rates.  You’ve watched your stocks and mutual funds wildly gyrate to the rhythms of the market.  You’ve maybe awoken in a cold sweat at 3:00 AM wondering do I buy or sell?  Do I dare look at the financial pages in the morning?  Am I missing something?  What happens if – or more likely – when the markets tank?

Just because the S&P has historically averaged about 8% doesn’t mean it will continue to do so when you need to draw on your funds; that’s just an average and no guarantee they will continue through the inevitable market disruptions to come.  The economy may be going strong and the bulls running when you need to retire or it could be another 2008.  Can you reliably generate a retirement income by betting on the Wall Street casino?

          Are Your Investments Truly Diversified?

It’s time to think outside the box before you get boxed in!  You could buy rental property but that requires hands-on management or giving up a lot of profits to a professional manager.  You’ve maybe seen great opportunities with high returns that require that you be an “accredited investor,” and although you’ve done well you simply don’t qualify for the same opportunities the rich get to dabble in.

It’s time to think about farmland – managed farmland.  Like residential rental property you could buy farmland and lease it out or you could farm it yourself.  Both require intensive management and a lot of research to make sure you’re not putting your money at risk.

There’s a simpler alternative.  Managed farmland can bring solid long-term gains without the headaches of doing it yourself.  Alternative Ag Investors offers options to buy your own greenhouse or productive farmland and, in both cases, once you make your purchase professional managers take care of the rest.  It’s a no-hassle, turn-key opportunity.

          What Does Alternative Ag Investors offer? 

Alternative Ag Investors offers the opportunity to purchase managed farmland so you can diversify your portfolio and earn a strong passive income.  My goal is to provide well-researched options across a variety of products and price points.  In other words, something for every out-of-the-box-thinking investor.

I look across the globe for good opportunities to make money from managed farmland.  I look for offers of strong long-term income that balance risk and reward.   Buying land that is well managed by experienced operators removes the hands-on hassle while still providing a good return on your investment.

I do the research and we all enjoy the profits.

          Like Mark Twain said, “Buy land, they’re not making it anymore.” 

This is real diversification; the kind that the wealthy have been involved in for centuries.  This could also be a legacy purchase that will benefit your kids and grandkids. 

Global population estimates point to having just shy of 10 billion people by 2050; an increase of around 25%.  That’s a lot of mouths to feed and we can’t just send them into space like the sci-fi movies.  As much food needs to be produced in the next 40 years as the past 10,000 combined!  Crop production will need to increase by 70% to meet the demand.

Diversifying into productive, managed farmland means setting yourself up for the markets of the future.  It means being a part of something bigger than yourself.  And it means buying into a long-term trend that can provide productive returns as you prepare for retirement as well as during your golden years.

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