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Alternative Ag Investors

Passive Income From Farmland Ownership

During my last trip to Panama, I met with the president of an amazing company that produces specialized coffee and cacao.  

I am excited to announce that I am now representing this company and their products will soon be in the AAI Current Projects section.

I’ve been following this company for years.  They are a perfect fit for the products I offer because they have a conservative approach to their company: 

  • They finish a project and make sure it is stable before moving on to the next one.
  • They manage the process end-to-end; they plant, do their own R&D, do the processing and, in the case of cacao, even manufacture their own products.
  • They have opportunities for the average investor.
  • They have a strong commitment to the people they employ, including providing a living wage and educating their children.

I have researched cacao and coffee and toured plantations in the past, so I know a bit about the growing and processing methods.  I grilled the president on the history of the company, their present offerings and what the future looks like for them.  I knew I would be impressed based on what I had already read about the company and I wasn’t disappointed.

Darren, in turn, asked me questions about my approach to sales and who I already represented.  He wanted to make sure that I was a good match for his company’s culture and goals.  In the end we quickly agreed that a business relationship between the two of us would be beneficial to everyone involved and I left the meeting having added a new client.

In some ways the managed farmland industry in Latin America is a pretty small community; we often know each other on a personal level and have a pretty good idea of who is doing a good job of growing their products and delivering for their investors.  This company has a sterling reputation and their products will be a great addition to the Alternative Ag Investors portfolio.

The rugby ball-shaped cacao fruit ranges from 6 to 12 inches long and has 30 to 50 seeds. The seeds are ground into cocoa powder to make chocolate.

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