Alternative Ag Investors Passive Income From Farmland Ownership

Closed Projects

Rainforest Limes

Alternative Ag Investors Passive Income From Farmland Ownership Home About Why Buy Managed Farmland? Current Projects All Re-Sales Cacao (Chocolate) Teak Orange Groves Specialty Coffee Closed Projects All Avocado Lime Dragon Fruit Mango Strawberry Greenhouse Rainforest Limes Vegetable Greenhouse Blog About AAI Rainforest Limes and Panama Residence Option Offer at a glance: Location:  San Francisco, […]

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Strawberry Greenhouse

Alternative Ag Investors Passive Income From Farmland Ownership Home About Why Buy Managed Farmland? Current Projects All Re-Sales Cacao (Chocolate) Teak Orange Groves Specialty Coffee Closed Projects All Avocado Lime Dragon Fruit Mango Strawberry Greenhouse Rainforest Limes Vegetable Greenhouse Blog About AAI Strawberry Greenhouse   Offer at a glance: Location:  Distrito Nueva Italia, Paraguay – about […]

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Dragon fruit

Dragon Fruit

Alternative Ag Investors Passive Income From Farmland Ownership Home About Why Buy Managed Farmland? Current Projects All Re-Sales Cacao (Chocolate) Teak Orange Groves Specialty Coffee Closed Projects All Avocado Lime Dragon Fruit Mango Strawberry Greenhouse Rainforest Limes Vegetable Greenhouse Blog About AAI Dragon Fruit   Offer at a glance: Location:  Coclé Province, Panama Price:  $49,500 USD […]

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Vegetable Greenhouse

Alternative Ag Investors Passive Income From Farmland Ownership Home About Why Buy Managed Farmland? Current Projects All Re-Sales Cacao (Chocolate) Teak Orange Groves Specialty Coffee Closed Projects All Avocado Lime Dragon Fruit Mango Strawberry Greenhouse Rainforest Limes Vegetable Greenhouse Blog About AAI Vegetable Greenhouse   Offer at a glance: Location:  Coclé  Province, Panama Price:  $49,500 USD […]

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The ROI grows from an annual 21% in year 5 to nearly 50% by year 20. Imagine earning over $20,000 per year on an initial $45,000 investment!

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Mangos are the most consumed fruit world-wide. With a 50 to 60-year productive life, your hectare will yield 30+ tons per year.

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The Rainforest Lime is an ever-bearing variety (meaning they are harvested year-round) and offer a 30-year IRR of 18% with freehold title.

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