Alternative Ag Investors Passive Income From Farmland Ownership


From time to time, someone comes to me asking if I can help them sell a farm investment they made.
Maybe it’s buyer’s remorse.  Maybe they just need cash for an immediate medical or other expense.  Or maybe they put money in a great investment but they thought the cash flow would come sooner than what was projected (in other words, they didn’t read the proforma). 
Whatever their reasons, they are looking to sell their interest in a farm project and asked me to step in and help.  So, I created this special page just for re-sale opportunities.

So, what’s the upside to buying a re-sale? 


There are many potential advantages to buying a re-sale:  

  • You might be able to buy into the project at a discount if the current buyer is in a hurry to dispose of their investment
  • The project might already be planted so you don’t need to wait for trees to mature or a greenhouse to be built to get your first harvest payment
  • Sometimes the seller is just trying to get back what they put in, but the property is worth more now based on rising land prices or the fact that the greenhouse or field crops are already planted
  • There may be actual harvest and sales data available because the project has a verifiable history

What’s the downside?

  • Depending on where the farm investment is located, it may be difficult to get the requisite information to conduct adequate due diligence research

It would be impossible for me to thoroughly vet every farm project across the world, so I am providing you the same information provided by the agribusiness along with any additional information available from the seller.  It is up to you to conduct your due diligence. 

Due Diligence Considerations

  • Make sure to get a copy of the original proforma (prospectus) from the seller; this will provide much of the background on the project plus projected income (this may be available on my Client Portal)
  • Get copies of the contract(s); most agricultural projects outline the conditions under which the property can be transferred
  • Take a look at the company website and ask for information directly from the company about the specific project you’re thinking of purchasing

I am happy to schedule a meeting to discuss the project and give you my impressions, but then you will need to deal directly with the seller. 

In other words, my role in this process is purely transactional; I put the seller and prospective buyer together and they work out the deal.  If the sale goes through, the seller will pay me a nominal commission.

That’s it.  It’s all very simple and transparent.  If you’re interested in a particular re-sale, just click on the “Yes… Send me more info!” link at the bottom of the offer page and select re-sales. 

Aquaponics Greenhouse

Aquaponics Greenhouse March 1, 2023 Offer at a glance:   Location:  Chiang Mai, Thailand Price:  $25,000 USD  ROI: 16.73% Annualized; 334.69% total over 20 years First harvest payment:  within 12 months Duration:  Perpetual; continual harvests Term:  Certificate of Ownership (you do not own the land) Management Fees:  25% of net profit Projected Annual Net Returns:  […]

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