Buying Teak: Create a Passive Income And Long-term Family Wealth

Teak Hardwoods

In 2008, as the U.S. and the world were facing a dramatic economic downturn, NuWire Investor developed a list of the top 5 recession investments.  Number 2 on that list was timber. One NuWire article states that, “Timber is one of the safest and steadiest growth investments available, protecting an investor in times of inflation, […]

Dragon Fruit, Limes and More in Maui

Maui Mahi Pono Limes

My wife and I reprised our Maui honeymoon during the first 10 days of September and had a fabulous time. When we were there 6 years ago, I remember being a bit shocked that commercial cultivation of sugar cane and pineapples had all but ceased.  Well, a lot has changed over the last 6 years […]

Owning Farmland: Will I Owe Taxes?

Farm taxes

Owning managed farmland is a smart investment.  Managed farmland consistently increases in value, is a strong inflation hedge, outperforms the stock market, provides a long-term passive income and allows you to diversify away from the vagaries of Wall Street.  But, like any income-generating investment, there may be taxes involved and maybe even tax advantages. Whether […]

Financial Diversification: Are You Truly Diversified?

You’ve been working hard and looking down the road towards the day you get to stop working.  You’ve been socking away money so you can retire in comfort, do some traveling, play more golf and spend time with the grandkids. You’ve got a savings account, a separate retirement account comprised of mutual funds (an IRA, […]