Investor Opportunity: Buy Managed Farmland as An Inflation Hedge

Update:  I originally wrote this blog post on May 29.  I knew things were bad at that point, but now they are worse.  Unfortunately, my predictions are coming true.  Now is the time to buy managed farmland so that you can make money on inflation and throughout the coming recession. The May CPI came in […]

Use A Self-Directed IRA or 401(k) to Buy Farm Land

You’ve got some investments but you’re worried about the future.  You’ve done your research.  You know it’s critical that you diversify your holdings.  You know that putting money into appreciating assets that produce high-demand products and a passive income just makes sense.  But you don’t have the funds to make it happen.       […]

Financial Diversification: Are You Truly Diversified?

You’ve been working hard and looking down the road towards the day you get to stop working.  You’ve been socking away money so you can retire in comfort, do some traveling, play more golf and spend time with the grandkids. You’ve got a savings account, a separate retirement account comprised of mutual funds (an IRA, […]

Bill Gates & Farmland: Do You Have Something In Common?

Farmland.  It’s a tremendous long-term investment and, like most alternative investments, you can get some idea of its value by who chooses to buy it. When it comes to farmland, by far and away America’s biggest owner is now Bill Gates.  Yes, that Bill Gates.  In fact, the self-avowed computer nerd owns at least 50,000 […]

Greenhouse Economics

Are greenhouses the wave of the future for produce farming?  Many experts think so and it might be time for you to add a managed greenhouse to your agriculture portfolio.           Greenhouses Have a Long History Greenhouses have been around for a very long time and started out as “hot houses” […]

Give the Gift of Teak

Are your loved ones prepared for uncertain times ahead?  Will they have enough financial resources to weather rough times?  Do they have a nest egg to count on later in life?  These are tough, important questions, and questions that have great answers if you know where to look. With a low entry price and long-term […]

How Do Soy and Corn Crops Impact Your Farmland Investment?

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, roughly 15 billion bushels of corn are grown in an average year in the U.S.  Since it takes 26 pounds of corn to make 1 gallon of ethanol, over 5 billion bushels of that corn are grown just to make this fuel additive.  The U.S. produces roughly one-third […]

Buy? Lease? Or Something Else?

If you’ve been thinking about putting some of your money into farming, congratulations – you’re the type of person who thinks outside the box and sees the value of not only diversification but also buying into a growing (no pun intended) long-term alternative asset. You’ve probably already been reading about all the opportunities for profiting […]

What GameStop and Buying Farmland Have in Common

Regardless of what you may think about the recent antics involving GameStop and other stocks, you may have noticed that folks who buy productive agricultural land and the largely millennial stock speculators have several traits in common. First, if you can believe the accounts in the popular media, GameStop investors were upset over what they […]

Inflation is Here

Inflation is coming.  No, inflation is here…  big time.  And not just in the United States… it will likely be a lasting worldwide phenomenon for the next year or two (at least). Anybody who took an intro to economics class probably remembers the classic definition of inflation as being created by too much money chasing […]